Fife Tourism Partnership

Fife Council launches new fund to support local event organisers this winter

21 October 2022

Fife Council has announced details of a new fund which will be used to support local event organisers this Winter

The Fife Events Development Fund, which comes from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, will benefit new and existing eligible events taking place in Fife. It is also hoped it will help attract more people along to the events.

Event organisers hosting events taking place between Friday the 25 of November 2022 and Friday the 31of March 2023 may be eligible for support and the deadline for applications is Friday the 18 of November.

Eligible events may be entitled to funding awards from £200 - £10,000 and events taking place within town centres will be prioritised.

Events may include, but are not limited to fayres, galas, music concerts, food and drink events, cultural and sporting events, festive celebrations and funfairs.

“The Fife Events Development Fund will help get local community event organisers back on their feet so they can continue to host the events which are so valuable to our communities.

“Fife’s year-round vibrant programme of events clearly demonstrates significant wellbeing and economic benefits, and this fund will contribute towards their recovery.”

For more information on the Fife Events Development fund, including full Assessment Guidelines and application form, please visit

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